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電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)>嵌入式技術(shù)>嵌入式新聞>Timing Considerations When Usi

Timing Considerations When Usi


聲明:本文內(nèi)容及配圖由入駐作者撰寫或者入駐合作網(wǎng)站授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)載。文章觀點僅代表作者本人,不代表電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)立場。文章及其配圖僅供工程師學(xué)習之用,如有內(nèi)容侵權(quán)或者其他違規(guī)問題,請聯(lián)系本站處理。 舉報投訴





TI例程里USI中斷程序中有:case 0: // Generate Start Condition & send address to slaveP1OUT |= 0x01;// LED
2014-05-09 09:47:52

timing_pal S32SDK_for_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.3死鎖錯誤怎么解決?

:FTM0_Ch0_Ch1_IrqHandler 第 287 行: 如果 (chan0IntFlag && g_ftmChannelRunning[0][0]) { TIMING_Ftm_IrqHandler(0U, 0U
2023-03-29 08:20:52

AD5700 Carrier Detect Off Timing問題RXD波形是如何來的

見 AD5700 DatsSheet Page9,Carrier Detect Off Timing:請問圖中紅圈標記的RXD波形是如何來的呢?在示波器上也觀察到了此現(xiàn)象,這個波形對于UART
2018-12-14 09:22:48

ADS 2008減少了模擬和驗證的步驟

This Article by How-Siang Yap discusses the considerations for using ADS 2008 to double designer
2019-10-31 13:36:38

H-Bridge DriversH橋驅(qū)動程序

the high-level design decisions that you have to make when designing an H-Bridge, and we’ve discussed the considerations for selecting the MOSFETs a..
2021-09-14 08:16:19

ISE Timing Anlayzer report

ISE Timing Anlayzer report 是看post-map 還是 post-place&route我現(xiàn)在有個工程 post-map 有錯post-place&route 通過這該以哪個為準
2017-08-24 14:15:26

ISE,換個電腦打開工程,發(fā)現(xiàn)timing report打不開了,求大神

本帖最后由 beHancock 于 2020-3-8 16:14 編輯 如題。補充幾個圖//-----------------------------------------這個目錄上Static Timing的圖標都和其它的不一樣了。。。
2020-03-07 22:43:51

SOPC中SDRAM controller 的Timing配置

最近用到sopc,設(shè)計片外ram,故整理“SOPC中SDRAM controller 的Timing配置”一文以備忘。Timing選項:CAS latency cycles(CAS等待時間):即為
2012-03-01 10:20:50


2019-09-19 17:42:20


X9221USI - Dual E2POT? Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer - Xicor Inc.
2022-11-04 17:22:44


X9241USI - Quad E2POT? Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer - Xicor Inc.
2022-11-04 17:22:44


X9312USI - E2POT? Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer - Xicor Inc.
2022-11-04 17:22:44


X9313USI - E2POT? Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer - Xicor Inc.
2022-11-04 17:22:44

attiny usi 做IIC通信,怎么用。新手!

2013-12-03 18:22:35

fpga_timing技術(shù)文檔 xilinx官方

fpga_timing技術(shù)文檔 xilinx官方
2016-08-17 09:02:16


2014-05-07 22:36:39

niScope Configure Horizontal Timing 的參數(shù)含義

niScope Configure Horizontal Timing 的說明中,參數(shù)number of records,根據(jù)我的測試,應(yīng)該是設(shè)置獲取信號的通道數(shù)。但min record
2018-01-09 15:44:28

帶有USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1板的傳感器節(jié)點不通過Tera終端響應(yīng)AT指令求解

我可以通過虛擬串行 Tera 終端連接到它的網(wǎng)關(guān)。它還可以連接到 Loriot 網(wǎng)關(guān)服務(wù)器。然而,帶有USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1擴展板的傳感器節(jié)點板不通過Tera終端響應(yīng)AT指令。此外,Cayene 應(yīng)用程序未顯示此傳感器板的任何活動。我該如何糾正它?
2023-01-05 08:10:43


in ISE. the map went through. however, now when I reset the xil_timing_allow_impossible back to 0, map
2019-03-05 07:48:54

玩轉(zhuǎn)Vivado之Timing Constraints

玩轉(zhuǎn)Vivado之Timing Constraints特權(quán)同學(xué),版權(quán)所有最近在熟悉Xilinx已經(jīng)推出好幾年的Vivado,雖然特權(quán)同學(xué)之前已經(jīng)著手玩過這個新開發(fā)工具,但只是簡單的玩玩,沒有深入
2016-01-11 16:55:48

請問MIPI CS2 input timing和CX3 mipi interface configuration的關(guān)系是什么?

MIPI CS2 input timing和CX3 mipi interface configuration 的關(guān)系是什么? CX3 mipi interface configuration中的值設(shè)置成什么是合理的?
2024-02-29 07:25:02

請問functional simulation和timing simulation區(qū)別是什么?

在quartus的仿真里面有兩種選項,functional simulation和timing simulation,請問他們的區(qū)別是什么?
2019-07-29 05:52:59

Power considerations when usin

As general purpose components, logic devices are used at different frequencies and power supply voltages inmany different varieties of applications. This large diversity has produced the need to express a single parameterthat can b
2009-03-29 23:55:015

ESD/Latch-Up Considerations wi

ESD/Latch-Up Considerations with iCoupler Isolation Products Analog Devices iCoupler products
2009-06-21 10:22:5816

MPC8260通訊微處理器在功率,AC DC電氣特性,AC定

This document contains detailed information on power considerations, DC/AC electrical
2009-06-24 09:25:3523

MPC850微處理器在功率,AC DC電氣特性,AC定時方面

This document contains detailed information on power considerations, AC/DC electrical
2009-06-24 11:40:3934

Digital timing measurements

timing and jitter measurements have become crucial in the design, verification, characterization, and application of electron
2009-07-21 10:21:090

Simplify CCD/CIS Image Capturi

Simplify CCD/CIS Image Capturing with a 3-Channel 16-Bit AFE/Timing Generator:When designing
2009-09-30 09:55:558

Motor Speed Measurement Consid

Motor Speed Measurement Considerations When Using TMS320C24x DSPs The TMS320C24x
2009-10-01 19:03:2417

when a hard wind blows the tra

when a hard wind blows the traffic slows:
2009-10-05 07:38:138

Thermal Considerations

Thermal Considerations:Thermal management is an important part of the system design process.
2009-11-29 17:16:4013

Global Timing Constraints

Without Timing Constraints• This design had no timingconstraints or pin assignments– Note
2010-01-11 08:54:446

Timing Groups and OFFSET Const

Timing Groups and OFFSET Constraints: •Use the Constraints Editor to create groups of path
2010-01-11 08:55:474

Achieving Timing Closure

Achieving Timing Closure:Timing Reports• Timing reports enable you to determine how and why
2010-01-11 08:56:190

Path-Specific Timing Constrain

Path-Specific Timing Constraints:Constraining Between Risingand Falling Clock Edges•
2010-01-11 08:56:5010

Controlling Impedances When Ne

Controlling Impedances When Nets Branch Out:It is not uncommon for a driver to drive
2010-01-15 10:25:040

Security Considerations for Vo

Security Considerations for Voice Over IP Systems Voice over IP – the transmission of voice over
2010-04-27 11:12:5711

RFIDUHF03—March 2006 White Paper -- Scaling from Pilot to I

This paper addresses relevant hardware and software considerations that companies will have take
2010-06-30 01:05:4413

Agilent E2920 PCI Timing Check

IntroductionUntil now, verifying that timing in 33 MHz 64-bit PCI designs met thesetup and hold
2010-07-13 09:39:344

When you buy used test equipme

goesup quickly when the equipment doesn’t perform aspromised. Stalled manufacturing lines, drawn-out development times, the
2010-07-16 21:55:277

Jitter Analysis Techniques Usi

and communicationsindustries, timing margins arebecoming increasingly tight.Sophisticated techniques arerequired to ensure that
2010-07-19 15:05:0716


is disabled when the associated output-enable (OE) input is high. This device is fully specified for partial-power-down applications usi
2010-08-17 18:59:1921


The TLV809 family of supervisory circuits provides circuit initialization and timing supervision
2010-10-24 00:16:2419


The TPS3809 family of supervisory circuits provides circuit initialization and timing supervision
2010-10-24 22:52:2724


The TPS3809 family of supervisory circuits provides circuit initialization and timing supervision
2010-10-24 22:54:5118


The TPS3813 family of supervisory circuits provide circuit initialization and timing supervision
2010-10-25 20:33:5914


The TPS3813 supervisory circuits provide circuit initialization and timing supervision, primarily
2010-10-25 20:42:1316

Design Considerations for Dall

Design Considerations for Dallas Semiconductor Real-Time Clocks Abstract: A real-time clock (RTC
2009-03-31 22:29:25863

Implement Master-Slave Timing-

Implement Master-Slave Timing-Card Redundancy Using Maxim Timing ICs  Abstract
2009-04-07 23:43:36666

DS2155 and DS26401 Software Co

Abstract: Application Note 403 describes the software considerations when migrating an existing
2009-04-20 09:10:471599

濾波器的設(shè)計使用集成模塊-Filter Design Usi

filter responses. When a nonstandard filter response is required, it is often left to the circuit designer to produce a solution using his or
2009-04-25 11:54:03856

Important considerations for i

critical considerations requiring attention when designing an infusion pump, including FDA regulati
2010-05-14 08:40:03779

Improve sensor performance and

techniques and the design considerations taken when building high-end portable bedside monitors or mid and low-end battery-powered models. The
2010-06-26 09:13:341060

Building a DC-DC power supply

This article discusses important considerations when designing a DC-DC power supply. Topics include
2010-09-23 08:04:001953

Migration from the 71M6511/71M6511H to the 71M6521

This application note explains what considerations apply when migrating from Teridian's 71M6511
2011-02-06 10:04:3729

DS31415 datesheet(high-performance timing IC)

The DS31415 is a flexible, high-performance timing IC for diverse frequency conversion
2011-08-01 16:27:0425

Alarm Sounds When RF Transmitter is Out of Range

This design idea explains how a 915MHz receiver can sound an alarm when a transmitter moves beyond a predetermined boundary.
2011-08-25 18:18:321156


2011-09-22 14:26:5014


2011-10-08 17:02:5882

XAPP015 - 使用XC4000的讀回功能

: initialization of theReadback feature, format of the configuration and Readback bitstreams, timing considerations, software supportfor reading back
2012-02-17 15:10:1813


2015-12-14 14:21:1322


2016-03-23 10:06:240

無線電接收機Design Considerations for Direct

Design Considerations for Direct-Conversion Receivers
2016-12-16 22:23:006

Timing收斂 – 如何消除Hold Timing違例

通常情況下,HoldTiming是由工具自動去檢查并滿足的,人為可以干預(yù)的地方很少。如果你的設(shè)計在布局布線后,出現(xiàn)了hold timing違例的情況,那么你可以參考下本文提出的3點建議,看看能否改善
2017-02-08 05:22:124871

Design Complexity、congestion、Timing

隨著FPGA規(guī)模越來越大,設(shè)計本身的復(fù)雜度也同樣增加。Xilinx UFDM中也經(jīng)常提到了Design Complexity這樣一個概念。Timing/Complexity/congestion
2017-02-08 05:46:093042


Security considerations are always a major issue when deploying a remote access solution.
2017-09-11 17:42:0413

Perfect Timing II Book

Perfect Timing II Book
2017-10-27 09:23:526

詳細介紹時序基本概念Timing arc

時序分析基本概念介紹——Timing Arc
2018-01-02 09:29:0423486

如何使用具有MSP430 USI端口的ADS8361的詳細資料概述

本文的主要內(nèi)容介紹的是如何使用具有MSP430 USI端口的ADS8361的詳細資料概述
2018-05-30 10:29:4013

時序分析的小工具——Global Timing Debugger

然后會出現(xiàn)如下窗口, 使用GTD前, 需要有一個machine readable格式的timing report文件, 該文件可以通過report_timing -machine_readable
2020-05-19 16:14:477022


主打近場通訊的 NFC 聯(lián)盟,剛剛和通用手寫筆聯(lián)盟(USI)達成了一項合作,以推廣允許移動設(shè)備對手寫筆進行無線充電的 WLC 新協(xié)議。通過本次合作,硬件制造商可將 NFC 聯(lián)盟在今年早些時候推出
2020-11-20 14:04:232148

AD9923A: CCD 信號處理器,內(nèi)置垂直驅(qū)動器和Precision Timing發(fā)生器 數(shù)據(jù)手冊

AD9923A: CCD 信號處理器,內(nèi)置垂直驅(qū)動器和Precision Timing發(fā)生器 數(shù)據(jù)手冊
2021-03-19 06:53:400


倍加福(Pepperl+Fuchs)通過推出Safe USi超聲波安全傳感器系統(tǒng),來擴展其應(yīng)用于工廠自動化領(lǐng)域的超聲波傳感器產(chǎn)品組合。
2021-04-23 16:46:051787

關(guān)于Video out IP和Video Timing Controller IP的介紹

本文對Video out IP和Video Timing Controller IP進行簡要介紹,為后文完成使用帶有HDMI接口的顯示器構(gòu)建圖像視頻顯示的測試工程做準備。
2021-05-08 10:03:165452

堅固、緊湊、安全|符合3類 PL d標準的USi?-安全超聲波系統(tǒng)

任何人機交互的地方都需要可靠的保護。USi? 安全系統(tǒng)基于超聲波傳感器的設(shè)計穩(wěn)健性來確保提供保護。
2021-11-22 15:43:032570

Timing Commander 硬件 Interfaces 用戶指南

Timing Commander 硬件 Interfaces 用戶指南
2023-03-15 19:24:191

9FGV1005 PhiClock PCIe Timing Commander 軟件 用戶指南

9FGV1005 PhiClock PCIe Timing Commander 軟件 用戶指南
2023-03-21 19:28:492

9FGV1006 Timing Commander 用戶指南

9FGV1006 Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-03-21 19:29:171

9FGV100x Timing Commander 用戶指南

9FGV100x Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-03-21 19:29:270

Timing Commander 軟件 for VersaClock 3S-5P3502x

Timing Commander 軟件 for VersaClock 3S - 5P3502x
2023-03-23 19:42:471

VersaClock 6 Timing Commander 用戶指南

VersaClock 6 Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-03-29 19:02:311


2023-04-15 10:20:332088

Timing Commander 軟件 for Programmable Buffers

Timing Commander 軟件 for Programmable Buffers
2023-05-15 19:16:040

什么是時序路徑timing path呢?

今天我們要介紹的時序分析概念是 **時序路徑** (Timing Path)。STA軟件是基于timing path來分析timing的。
2023-07-05 14:54:43985

時序分析基本概念介紹—Timing Arc

今天我們要介紹的時序基本概念是Timing arc,中文名時序弧。這是timing計算最基本的組成元素,在昨天的lib庫介紹中,大部分時序信息都以Timing arc呈現(xiàn)。
2023-07-06 15:00:021397

Timing Commander 硬件 Interfaces 用戶指南

Timing Commander 硬件 Interfaces 用戶指南
2023-07-06 18:35:050

9FGV1005 PhiClock PCIe Timing Commander 軟件 用戶指南

9FGV1005 PhiClock PCIe Timing Commander 軟件 用戶指南
2023-07-07 19:27:280

9FGV1006 Timing Commander 用戶指南

9FGV1006 Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-07-07 19:28:060

9FGV100x Timing Commander 用戶指南

9FGV100x Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-07-07 19:28:210

Timing Commander 軟件 for VersaClock 3S-5P3502x

Timing Commander 軟件 for VersaClock 3S - 5P3502x
2023-07-10 19:34:180

VersaClock 6 Timing Commander 用戶指南

VersaClock 6 Timing Commander 用戶指南
2023-07-11 19:27:171

Timing Commander 軟件 for Programmable Buffers

Timing Commander 軟件 for Programmable Buffers
2023-07-11 20:27:380

oracle case when 語法介紹

Oracle的CASE WHEN語法是一種在數(shù)據(jù)庫查詢中使用的條件語句,它提供了一種在SELECT語句中根據(jù)條件對結(jié)果進行轉(zhuǎn)換或篩選的方法。在本文中,我們將詳細介紹Oracle的CASE WHEN
2023-12-06 10:21:21480

介紹三種芯片timing model

今天想來聊一聊timing model。Top層在做STA的時候,為了速度的考量,有的時候不會把所有block都做flatten(展平化)處理
2023-12-06 14:03:13268
