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yYjs_江波龍 ? 來源:未知 ? 2023-03-11 12:45 ? 次閱讀



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在日本亞馬遜發(fā)現(xiàn) 土井英司的書評多么有影響力的之后,,他們要求他寫更多書評。因此,土井英司開始挑選選書籍,閱讀這些書,分析這些書,并且每天把這些內(nèi)容發(fā)布給在日本亞馬遜的讀者。



盡管出版社也會付錢請他來寫書評,但土井英司把讀他書評的讀者當(dāng)成為他的主要客戶。這是他的書評受到讀者歡迎的原因,因?yàn)樽x者知道,他們可以信任他的評論。土井英司的生意模式之所以能夠活下來,是因?yàn)槌霭嫔缛匀恍枰腥藖斫榻B他們的書,而 土井英司在他的書評中為讀者提供了寶貴的觀點(diǎn)。即使是出版社付費(fèi)讓他寫評論,他仍然誠實(shí)的提供他意見和總結(jié)。

How to Get Something Valuable from Books

Eiji Doi is a famous Japanese book critic. When Eiji Doi worked for Amazon Japan, he wrote an introduction for the book How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling. This is an old book that was originally published in 1964. Before his review, Amazon Japan was selling less than one copy per day. However, after his review, Amazon Japan started selling over ten books per day.

Subsequently, the Amazon webpage for this book showed that orders had increased tenfold, but it didn’t say why. This helped Doi to know that a computer usually only gives the result, not the root cause. So, this led him to think that the job of a book reviewer won’t easily be replaced by a computer.

After Amazon Japan discovered how influential Doi’s reviews were, it asked him to do more. So, Doi would select books, read them, analyze them and write reviews for readers on Amazon Japan. He wrote seven book reviews every week when he worked for Amazon Japan, which means that he read a book a day. He loved this work because he also liked to learn new things from reading books. However, Doi ultimately lost his job when Amazon Japan began using book introductions provided by publishing houses. So, in 2004, after losing his job, Doi started his own book review business.

In particular, he published online reviews for management and business books, and he did so almost every day. This was a pretty good business model for a book reviewer because management books are an investment for the readers who buy them. Generally, they are not reading for pleasure but rather to improve their job performance. Such readers need someone to give them general information about books that they are interested in and also to introduce the important points that such books make in order to help them decide whether to buy these books.

Doi treated the readers of his reviews as his primary customers, even though publishing houses often paid for his book reviews. This made him popular with readers because they knew that they could trust his reviews. Doi was able to survive because the publishing houses still needed someone to introduce their books, and Doi provided valuable viewpoints in his book reviews for his readers. But even when writing paid reviews, Doi still provided his honest opinions and summaries.

Doi regarded himself as a reader to select books for his customers. He believes that reading management books is an investment in oneself, not leisure reading. So, when he reviewed a book, he cared about what benefits the book could provide for him and other readers, what important points that readers needed to pay attention to, and what lessons readers could learn. When he read a book to review, he studied it. And when he reviewed it, he not only introduced it for his readers but also taught or summarized some of its main concepts.

So, he selected books from authors with valuable experience that his readers could benefit from. And he helped readers to gloss over the concepts that they likely already understood so that they could focus on the concepts that were likely new to them. He advised readers not to be distracted by beautiful, interesting or funny passages, but rather to focus on those concepts that can inspire them and take them to a higher level.

I have to agree with Doi’s approach. As managers, when we read a business book, our goal is not to have an emotional experience, or to admire the author or the person the author is writing about. Our goal is–or should be–to learn something from the book that can help us in our careers or give us better performance. When we read a book, we spend (or invest) a lot of valuable time, so we should get something valuable in return.



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  • 江波龍









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