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電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)>通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)>通信設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用>DS2151, DS2153 Creating a T1/E

DS2151, DS2153 Creating a T1/E


聲明:本文內(nèi)容及配圖由入駐作者撰寫(xiě)或者入駐合作網(wǎng)站授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)載。文章觀點(diǎn)僅代表作者本人,不代表電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)立場(chǎng)。文章及其配圖僅供工程師學(xué)習(xí)之用,如有內(nèi)容侵權(quán)或者其他違規(guī)問(wèn)題,請(qǐng)聯(lián)系本站處理。 舉報(bào)投訴





DS2151 - Telecom Evaluation Board
2023-03-22 19:54:49


DS2153 - Telecom Evaluation Board
2023-03-22 19:54:49


:write_data('S');delay(***);write_data('A');delay(***);write_data('T');break;case 7:write_data('S');delay
2013-08-22 10:33:04

DS-5教程-ARM DS-5 添加新芯片至DS-5調(diào)試設(shè)備列表

設(shè)備 1、PC機(jī) x 1臺(tái) 2、DS-5軟件開(kāi)發(fā)工具 x 1套 3、DSTREAM仿真器 x 1套 4、ARM內(nèi)核開(kāi)發(fā)板(本文以米爾MYD-LPC4357開(kāi)發(fā)板為例) x 1套 5、其他相關(guān)
2014-10-13 18:17:15

DS1302 利用中斷進(jìn)行分鐘+1-1

void jia11() interrupt 0{fen=DS1302Read(0x83);fen=fen+1.6;DS1302Write(0x8e,0x00);DS1302Write(0x82
2016-09-20 20:37:10


2023-04-06 11:49:48


2023-04-06 11:49:47


[]="ds1302實(shí)時(shí)時(shí)鐘";***itscl=P1^0;***itio=P1^1;***itrst=P1^2;***it dula=P1^3;***it wela=P1^4
2013-08-20 10:18:16

Keysight J3913A T1 WANProbe監(jiān)視器

The Keysight J3913A T1 WanProbe is a MIPS-based, SNMP-managed WANinterface monitor for T1 Wide Area Networks (WAN).
2019-07-03 11:04:49


],IMU_FIFO_samples);void LSM9DS1_readAccelGyro_nAll(uint8_t * data,uint8_t n) { LSM9DS1
2018-09-10 17:18:56


thing I can't do is connect it to a microcontroller pin, because I've run out of those. Thanks for any help #data-enable #lsm9ds1 #den_a/g
2018-09-30 10:31:02


位置嗎?如何對(duì)磁力計(jì)進(jìn)行自檢?謝謝Yair Sarid #self-test#lsm9ds1以上來(lái)自于谷歌翻譯以下為原文 Hello, I want to do a self test to lsm9ds1
2018-11-12 16:46:51

msp430g2331 ds1302時(shí)鐘模塊

};//0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,c,e,j,u, ,uchar t,t1,t2,t3;uchar dis_play[4];//數(shù)碼管顯示函數(shù)void extern_16m(){WDTCTL = WDTPW
2018-07-09 08:30:20


_OUT_Low();delay_us(T_LOW1);DS_OUT_High();delay_us(T_SLOT-T_LOW1); } else {DS_OUT_Low();delay_us(T
2019-08-29 20:44:46


/命令選擇***it rw=P1^1;//讀寫(xiě)控制***it e=P1^0;//片選信號(hào)***it rst=P3^0; //ds1302***it sclk=P3^1; ***it io=P3^2
2011-10-04 17:02:33

哪位大俠幫我看看為什么調(diào)試不出來(lái) ds18b20

(0x44);//initiates a single temperature conversion}uint get(){uchar a,b;uint t=0;float tt;/*ds
2013-01-06 15:17:04


compensate. Is there a difference between the LSM9DS0 and LSM9DS1 which would break this? E.g. Accel
2018-11-09 09:46:34


Delay1ms(unsigned int t)//誤差 0us { unsigned char a,b,c; for(t;t>0;t--) for(c=1;c>0
2023-06-27 08:38:46

求分享使用1-wire DS1820測(cè)量溫度示例

= wifi.sta.getmac() .. \"\\n\" for sensorID, temperature in pairs(temps) do t1 = temperature / 10000 t
2023-04-27 07:07:09

理論上 DS_A~DS_EN4這些變量應(yīng)該隨著時(shí)間信號(hào)的變化而變化,請(qǐng)問(wèn)這個(gè)ise的仿真哪出問(wèn)題了

(//Clock Input:48MinputCLK,//Digital tubeoutputDS_A,DS_B,DS_E,DS_F,DS_C,DS_D,DS_G,DS_DP,outputDS_EN1,DS
2018-05-08 22:07:46


DS2153Q 是DALLAS 公司生產(chǎn)的E1 收發(fā)器, 能完成E1 PCM30/ ISDN - PRI收發(fā)器功能, 可提供隨路信令或共路信令工作方式, 線路接口符合ITU - T G. 703 、G. 704、G. 706、G. 823 及ETSI 300011 和300233 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。
2009-04-29 16:42:0146


DS26503是一個(gè)樓宇綜合定時(shí)供給系統(tǒng)(BITS)時(shí)鐘恢復(fù)元件,還可用作基本T1/E1收發(fā)器。接收部分可從T1, E1和6312kHz同步時(shí)序接口中恢復(fù)時(shí)鐘。在T1E1模式下,還可恢復(fù)出同步狀態(tài)
2023-07-18 08:58:07

DS33R11 以太網(wǎng)映射器,集成了T1/E1/J1收發(fā)器

DS33R11 以太網(wǎng)映射器,集成了T1/E1/J1收發(fā)器 DS33R11 概述 DS33R11將MAC幀按照HDLC或X.86 (LAPS)格式進(jìn)行打包,以T1/E1/J1數(shù)據(jù)流
2008-10-06 14:51:081135

DS2155 and DS26502 Software Co

Abstract: This application note discusses the differences between the DS2155 T1/E1/J1 Single Chip
2009-04-20 08:49:071947


摘要:DS21458是一款四端口T1/E1/J1單片收發(fā)器(SCT),具有和DS2155單端口T1/E1/J1 SCT相同的寄存器組。DS2155和DS21458具有相同的軟件架構(gòu),因而從單端口的DS2155向四端口的DS21458移植比較容易
2009-04-20 08:50:02918

DS2148/DS21348 Hardware Mode

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2148/DS21348 selectable E1 or T1 line interface unit (LIU) in hardwar
2009-04-20 09:09:351420

DS2155 and DS26401 Software Co

design based on the DS2155 T1/E1/J1 single chip transceiver (SCT) to the DS26401 T1/E1/J1 octal framer. In comparison, the Dallas Semiconductor
2009-04-20 09:10:471599

DS31256 and T1/E1 Interface

2155, DS21Q55, DS21Q50 and DS26528 in T1/E1, 2MHz, 4MHz, 8MHz clock mode. The hardware connection and software configuration are given.
2009-04-20 09:26:341389

DS2154L vs. DS2153Q

Abstract: This application note highlights the differences between the DS2154L and the DS2153Q E1
2009-04-20 09:27:16870

DS2151, DS2152, DS2153, DS2154

Transceivers: DS2151, DS2152, DS2153, DS2154, DS21552, DS21554, DS21352, DS21354 and DS2155. Specifications for selecting the approp
2009-04-20 09:38:44760

DS2152, DS2154, DS2151, DS2153

channels. The idle registers in the DS2152, DS2154, DS21X5Y and DS2155 can be used to fill unused (if any) channels. The used channels do not
2009-04-20 09:43:04774

Conversion Between T1 and E1

Semiconductor DS21X52 and DS21X54 single chip transceivers (SCTs) with the DS216xx clock adapter (CLAD). The DS21X52 SCT is used for T1 signals an
2009-04-20 09:47:42947

DS2151, DS2153 Device Identifi

Abstract: Application Note 341 describes how to identify the device correctly by software. This application note provides the procedure that allows the software to identify the device or poll the device identification register to determine
2009-04-20 10:11:34836

DS2141A, DS2151 Alarm Set and

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 Controller and DS2151 Single Chip Transceiver (SCT).
2009-04-20 10:14:45589

DS2141A, DS2151 D4 Framing App

and Yellow Alarm options for the DS2141A and DS2151 transceivers. Transmit FramingIn D4 framing applications, the
2009-04-20 10:17:01581

DS2151 Implementation of ANSI

Abstract: Application note on the DS2151 implementation of the key performance indicators
2009-04-20 10:17:45629

DS21352/552, DS2151, DS2152, D

Semiconductor T1 framers and single chip transceivers (SCTs). The SLC-96 mode is used in T1 was designed by AT&T as a digital loop carrier system
2009-04-20 10:18:28750

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, DS215

processor to the following Dallas Semiconductor T1 or E1 framers and single chip transceivers (SCTs): DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, or the DS2153.
2009-04-20 10:19:15655

Converting the DS2152/DS2154 D

DS2152/DS2154 T1/E1 demo kits. The DS2152DK & DS2154DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However,
2009-04-20 10:24:12747

Converting the DS2151/DS2153 D

Abstract: The DS2151DK and DS2153DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However
2009-04-20 10:25:02559

DS2151 Special Modes

Semiconductor DS2151 T1 single chip transceiver (SCT) and how to configure them. Special Mode #1: 3 State OutputsWhen the S
2009-04-20 10:27:551173

DS2153, DS2154 Selectable 120

Abstract: Different values of resistor can be selected between DS2153 or DS2154 single chip
2009-04-20 10:30:24624

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, DS215

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:31:04536

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: This application note provides a logical diagram of the interface of the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2151 and DS2153 to the PMC-Sierra 7345.
2009-04-20 10:32:06686

DS2141A Creating a DS/ESF Chan

Abstract: DS2141A can be used for creating a DS/ESF Channel Service Unit. This application note has
2009-04-20 10:32:45904

DS2151, DS2152, DS2153, DS2154

Abstract: The DS2151, DS2152, DS2153 and DS2154 single chip transceivers (SCTs) can be used
2009-04-20 10:34:09929

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2151 T1 single chip transceiver (SCT) and DS2153 E1 SCT to the Motorola MC68MH360 QUICC32. Interconnections be
2009-04-20 10:35:31568

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, DS215

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:37:00899

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: Interfacing between the Hitachi HD64570 and the DS2151 for T1 lines or the DS2153 for E1 lines. MCSI-0 and MCS-1 are in Bit Synchronous
2009-04-20 10:38:06750

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2151 T1 single chip transceiver (SCT) and DS2153 E1 SCT to the Siemens PEB20320.
2009-04-20 10:38:51830

DS2141A, DS2142, DS2151, DS215

loopback application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A, DS2142, DS2151, or DS2153. With Elastic Store Disabled DS21
2009-04-20 10:39:41882

DS2141A, DS2143 Three Channel

drop and insert application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 framer or DS2143 E1 framer.
2009-04-20 10:40:36701

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151 and DS

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-20 10:41:16744

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: Application note 303 provides information on connecting the DS2151 and DS2153 single chip
2009-04-20 10:42:38840

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2151 T1 single chip transceiver (SCT) and DS2153 E1 SCT to the AT&T T7270.
2009-04-20 10:43:22578

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: This application note shows connection of the DS2151 T1 single chip transceiver
2009-04-20 10:44:041043

DS2141, DS21Q41, DS21Q43 8-MHz

connects to any four framers of the following: DS21Q41 quad T1 framer, DS21Q43 E1 framer, DS2141 T1 controller, DS2151 T1 single chip transc
2009-04-20 10:45:06917

Tech Brief 7: DS2152 and DS215

system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-20 10:46:001036

DS21Q42 vs. DS21Q41B

Semiconductor DS21Q42 and the DS21Q41B quad port framer devices. The DS21Q42 enhanced quad T1 framer offers a broader feature set while reta
2009-04-20 10:47:48698

DS2141A , DS2151報(bào)警設(shè)置和明確的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)-DS2

Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 Controller and DS2151 Single Chip Transceiver (SCT).
2009-04-29 10:07:14803

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, DS215

processor to the following Dallas Semiconductor T1 or E1 framers and single chip transceivers (SCTs): DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, or the DS2153.
2009-04-29 10:09:06795


Abstract: The DS2151DK and DS2153DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However
2009-04-29 10:13:031037


DS2152/DS2154 T1/E1 demo kits. The DS2152DK & DS2154DK are ordered and shipped for either T1 or E1 operation. However,
2009-04-29 10:14:011059

DS2153, DS2154 Selectable 120

Abstract: Different values of resistor can be selected between DS2153 or DS2154 single chip
2009-04-29 10:16:571062

DS2141A Creating a DS/ESF Chan

Abstract: DS2141A can be used for creating a DS/ESF Channel Service Unit. This application note has
2009-04-29 10:17:37754

DS2141A , DS2143 , DS2151 , DS

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:18:40496

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: This application note provides a logical diagram of the interface of the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2151 and DS2153 to the PMC-Sierra 7345.
2009-04-29 10:19:22665

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, DS215

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:20:011154

DS2141A , DS2143三個(gè)頻道塞繩和插入-DS21

drop and insert application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 framer or DS2143 E1 framer.
2009-04-29 10:21:021323

DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151 and DS

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface
2009-04-29 10:21:40752


Abstract: Application note 303 provides information on connecting the DS2151 and DS2153 single chip
2009-04-29 10:22:39736

DS2141,DS21Q41,DS21Q43 8MHz系統(tǒng)時(shí)

connects to any four framers of the following: DS21Q41 quad T1 framer, DS21Q43 E1 framer, DS2141 T1 controller, DS2151 T1 single chip transc
2009-04-29 10:24:041142

DS2152 and DS2154 8MHz System

system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-29 10:24:571000

DS2152L vs. DS2151Q

2152L that are not included in the DS2151Q T1 single chip transceiver (SCT). All of the original features of the DS2151Q have been retained. All soft
2009-04-29 10:25:42881

DS21Q42 vs. DS21Q41B

Semiconductor DS21Q42 and the DS21Q41B quad port framer devices. The DS21Q42 enhanced quad T1 framer offers a broader feature set while reta
2009-04-29 10:26:37861


的purposely corrupt之前,它是被淘汰的transmitted左轉(zhuǎn)到T1線路通過(guò)TTIP(四異丙醇和tring引腳。有一個(gè)精確的冰從TS延遲雙極輸出引腳的SO的格式化程序的用戶的能力,有必要知道的當(dāng)RCLK和appear咬在rlink引腳。這10 tclk冰期的延遲。
2017-04-10 08:56:381


2017-04-10 10:10:196

ds2151,ds2153 interfacing to the mc68mh360 quicc32

Interconnections between the DS2151 or DS2153 and the Motorola MC68MH360 (QUICC32) are shown
2017-04-10 10:26:494


摘要:應(yīng)用筆記312提供了一個(gè)對(duì)達(dá)拉斯半導(dǎo)體/格言ds2151 T1單芯片收發(fā)器接口邏輯圖(SCT)和ds2153 E1 SCT的西門(mén)子PEB20320。
2017-04-10 10:46:162

ds2151ds2153到AT&T T7270接口

摘要:應(yīng)用筆記304提供了一個(gè)對(duì)達(dá)拉斯半導(dǎo)體/格言ds2151 T1單芯片收發(fā)器接口邏輯圖(SCT)和ds2153 E1 SCT的ATT T7270。
2017-04-11 11:08:134

DS2151DS2152、DS2153、DS2154 T1/E1 線路監(jiān)視器

2022-11-18 23:45:260


DS21458為四端口T1/E1/J1單芯片收發(fā)器(SCT),與DS2155共享一個(gè)公共寄存器組,即單端口T1/E1/J1 SCT。DS2155和DS21458共享通用的軟件架構(gòu),因此從單端口DS2155遷移到四端口DS21458相對(duì)簡(jiǎn)單。本文詳細(xì)介紹了DS2155和DS21458之間的細(xì)微差別。
2023-01-09 21:22:11870


本應(yīng)用筆記介紹如何使用達(dá)拉斯半導(dǎo)體DS21X52和DS21X54單芯片收發(fā)器(SCT)和DS216xx時(shí)鐘適配器(CLAD)將T1轉(zhuǎn)換為E1,反之亦然。DS21X52 SCT用于T1信號(hào)
2023-01-10 13:45:371068


本應(yīng)用筆記介紹了E1收發(fā)器芯片接口電路的一般形式,并展示了如何在變壓器周圍分配電阻。它解釋了為什么發(fā)射器和接收器引腳需要不同的保護(hù)技術(shù)。它討論了回波損耗的重要性,并展示了如何計(jì)算它。內(nèi)置DS2153/DS2154 E1單芯片收發(fā)器IC。
2023-01-13 15:13:26634

DS2151QB 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:17:03

DS2153Q-A7 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:17:31

DS2153QN-A7 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:18:28

DS2153QN-A7/T&R 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:18:46

DS2151QNB 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:19:33

DS2151QN 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:32:30

DS2151QB+ 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:46:23

DS2153Q-A7+T&R 接口 - 電信

2023-01-14 19:50:51

DS2151 ANSI T1.231-1993的實(shí)施

關(guān)于DS2151實(shí)現(xiàn)ANSI T1.231-1993要求的關(guān)鍵性能指標(biāo)的應(yīng)用筆記,標(biāo)題為“數(shù)字層次結(jié)構(gòu) - 第1層在線數(shù)字傳輸性能監(jiān)測(cè)”。此外,還列出了DS2151單芯片收發(fā)器(SCT)中的所有重要參數(shù)及其位置。
2023-02-08 10:53:51400


2023-02-09 12:08:21540


2023-02-22 10:08:35464


本應(yīng)用筆記重點(diǎn)介紹DS2152L和DS2151Q T1單芯片收發(fā)器的區(qū)別。DS2152L是DS2151Q的超集。DS2151Q的所有原始特性都得以保留,為DS2151Q創(chuàng)建的軟件可以毫不費(fèi)力地轉(zhuǎn)移到DS2152L上。
2023-06-13 16:31:24345
