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電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)>通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)>通信設(shè)計應用>One Resistor Takes Heat from S

One Resistor Takes Heat from S


聲明:本文內(nèi)容及配圖由入駐作者撰寫或者入駐合作網(wǎng)站授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)載。文章觀點僅代表作者本人,不代表電子發(fā)燒友網(wǎng)立場。文章及其配圖僅供工程師學習之用,如有內(nèi)容侵權(quán)或者其他違規(guī)問題,請聯(lián)系本站處理。 舉報投訴




HTC One X/S 確定4月初上市

由于配置出色,HTC的新機One X和One S的到來之日也備受期待。本月初英國運營商曾開啟了這兩款新機的網(wǎng)上預訂業(yè)務,而日前,有消息顯示,這兩款One系列新機將會在下月初到來。據(jù)英國
2012-03-19 10:43:18809

HTC One X港行4月2日正式發(fā)布

按照相關(guān)說法,HTC One X港行版將在四月二日舉辦的發(fā)布會上正式面市,屆時還有HTC One系列新機HTC One V同步登場。
2012-03-28 09:34:511126

超薄雙核HTC One S售4200元 4月2日開賣

作為HTC旗下最新的“HTC One系列”新機,最近在媒體上我們見到的皆是HTC One X和HTC One V 即將上市的消息,讓人似乎遺忘了另一款超薄機型HTC One S 的存在
2012-03-30 09:24:43894


第一次嘗試12.1。我復制了一個現(xiàn)有的11.4目錄并為12.1創(chuàng)建了一個新的導入/轉(zhuǎn)換項目目錄。 11.4在10分鐘內(nèi)完成建造(目標XC3S400A)。 12.1似乎忽略.ucf文件(如果我在其
2018-10-23 10:25:36


resistor in place and just run a jumper wire from a spare microcontroller pin to the WP pin
2019-01-29 09:16:25


I measured the reading rate, it takes ~60ms to perform one reading. This seems to be much longer
2019-05-30 15:00:11

42841A Resistor Box Set PN 42841-65002服務手冊

42841A Resistor Box Set(PN 42841-65002)服務手冊
2019-04-26 14:07:17

FROM-TO Editor的應用問題

2019-06-26 22:23:40


嗨,我使用S29 GL001GS并行NOR Flash,我所面臨的問題是我不能寫完整的1GbT,我只能寫512MbT,地址映射是從0x000到0x3ffffFF,只有512MbT,數(shù)據(jù)表指定它是16
2018-12-06 14:55:29

Design considerations for three-phase power factor correction

requirement that the power drawn from each phase must be the same. This article discusses one way
2016-06-12 09:26:32


2023-03-28 13:15:52

Jersey one solid image

Chris Johnson Jersey one solid image on the non-address side of the postcard????????? Promise A
2010-11-17 10:24:59


in the path the voltage takes during the integration, as this resistor is actually a thermistor, which
2019-03-08 06:21:27


schematic and LTspice simulation) if there is also a resistor to ground from the ZCDxINpin? (R5
2019-02-15 13:12:49

ProBER 2:2 Mb/s手持式測試裝置手冊

The handheld that takes 2 Mb/s testing beyond convention
2019-06-17 16:59:59

Protect Current-Sense Amplifiers from Negative Overvoltage

series diodes from the sense resistor to the RS+ and RS- pins. During normal operating conditions
2011-08-21 16:49:34

STM8S TIMER1 ONE PULSE模式在一次觸發(fā)后事件是否要為每個脈沖重新初始化定時器

to program STM8S timer1 in One Pulse mode, after reading the data-sheet of STM8S003F3P6,I have
2019-01-08 15:41:32

Single-Ended and Differential S-Parameters

Single-Ended and Differential S-ParametersMAXIM High-Frequency/Fiber Communications GroupThe term
2008-07-23 12:34:04

Spartan 6 DCM LOCKED沒有輸出時鐘

in an S6LX45. It uses one PLL and eight DCMs. The eight DCM clock inputs each come from a GCLK pin feeding a
2019-07-26 13:04:49


2013-03-14 18:05:56


2013-03-14 18:24:27


親愛的先生,V-by-One發(fā)射器已經(jīng)發(fā)送了D10.2用于CDR,但我無法在GTX接收器上讀取D10.2。 RXCDRLOCK已經(jīng)輸出高電平。 UG476表示RXCDR_CFG是協(xié)議特定的,但沒有
2020-08-07 09:03:54

met one 4800資料

met one 粒子計數(shù)器4800資料
2014-11-05 16:32:55

non ideal resistor 設(shè)置

有哪位能指點一下 怎么設(shè)置non-ideal-resistor里面的“value”選項卡下面的“model type”當設(shè)置為 “capacitance=f(voltage)”下面的”table“ 具體應該怎么設(shè)置啊謝謝了
2015-02-11 05:04:24


When used as a zenerdiode/resistor combination replacement, the LM78LXX usuallyresults
2008-09-08 11:30:14


;Failed to read from DHT sensor!\")); return; } // Compute heat index in Fahrenheit (the default
2023-05-25 06:21:26


This application note takes you through the process of replacing one instrument in a typical GPIB
2019-10-22 14:55:07


bits of Port A. To limit the current through the LED’s there is one 270 current limiting resistor
2012-08-16 21:09:42

在設(shè)計FPGA程序時,誰遇到過如下的警告?。?One or more signals are missing in the process sensitivity list.

請問。在設(shè)計FPGA程序時,誰遇到過如下的警告?。?One or more signals are missing in the process sensitivity list.
2016-05-17 15:57:59


some help. It's mentioned that the sensor need a pull-up resistor but I read the breakout sensor has
2018-08-23 09:34:46

如何在Xbox One上使用私人瀏覽模式

xbox one 解碼The Microsoft Edge browser on Xbox One consoles has a private browsing mode named
2022-01-21 11:57:32


). I want to switch from EP1C12F256C6 to XC3S200AN-FTG256. I've synthesized the RTL codes in ISE
2019-01-30 08:57:42


and each channels have at least two S21 traces (one phase, another log). But when I set up
2018-11-19 10:57:51


such as MCP4261. how can it be determined from the datasheet, how long it takes for the resistance
2019-03-07 13:18:24


on the picture below. Each entity takes another entity ouput as input data, but is operating on clock's
2019-03-26 09:23:58


, this needs to feed in to one of our BT modules based on the 20719, which takes this stream and transmits
2018-09-26 16:41:22

電阻選型輕松不燒腦,Resistor Today睿思電阻商城新版上線,新體驗新玩法

```電阻選型你踩了多少坑?上睿思電阻商城,輕松不燒腦,工作放松兩不誤。Resistor Today睿思電阻商城全新改版上線,新會員***次抽獎機會,100%中獎,15萬會員抽獎樂此不疲。會員福利
2020-03-31 12:10:17

終端重置功能返回SDK V1.21的問題

is that it takes too long time to return from endpoint reset function. I only changged board firmware
2019-05-24 09:48:01


; constraints to prevent 10 signals from removing from Synthesis, but one signal is still missing
2019-02-26 09:15:05


to one以后,參考Z-stack Developer's guide進行過程分析,請問5.4.3的Route Record Command需要我們自己配置么,還是在發(fā)送DATA的時候底層自己就發(fā)送
2018-08-09 09:05:51


, implementing(...)主要特色Operates at voltage ranging from 6V to 42V (10s li-ion battery) delivering 25ARMS
2018-09-29 09:34:39

針對IO配置寄存器Default setting takes place at power-up only的疑問求解

請教一下各位大佬,針對IO配置寄存器Default setting takes place at power-up only的疑問?只能在上電的時候復位成默認值?那如果我在初始化時候配置錯了,導致3914工作不正常,后面我在沒有斷電的情況下重新初始化還可以改過來嗎?
2023-08-07 06:55:01


target is a 2s4p (two LEDs in series and four in parallel) configuration of eight LT W5SG LEDs from OSRAM
2014-01-24 14:46:15

Resistor Color Coder

Resistor Color Coder is free, and is very useful for determining the color codes or values
2008-05-09 19:09:4738


of enhancedpackages. One with high popularity is the TO-220 packagedesigned with exposed heat sink for efficient heat dissipation.
2008-06-17 11:36:14228

MAX5403, MAX5404, MAX5405 pdf

has one 3-terminal potentiometer and one 2-terminal variable resistor (Figure 1). The MAX5403/MAX5404/MAX5405 operate from +2.7V to +5.5V sing
2008-10-04 20:01:1817

The consideration about “heat

The consideration about “heat” in PCB design The consideration of EMC, thermal conduct
2009-03-24 14:05:520


translator to go from a lower to higher voltage and a second one to go from a lower voltage to a higher voltage. This note will outline one pos
2009-05-27 12:58:2413

Systemc From The Ground Up

Systemc From The Ground Up:The first question any reader should ask is “Why this book?” We
2009-07-10 17:27:570

AD22105 Low Voltage, Resistor

The AD22105 is a solid state thermostatic switch. Requiring only one external programming resistor
2009-08-23 20:59:1814

AD622,pdf datasheet (Instrumen

The AD622 is a low cost, moderately accurate instrumentation amplifier that requires only one
2009-08-27 10:12:0013

AD7376,pdf datasheet (128-Posi

The AD73761 is one of the few high voltage, high performance digital potentiometers2 on the market.
2009-09-22 08:29:3310

AD5290,pdf datasheet (Digital

The AD5290 is one of the few high voltage, high performance, and compact digital potentiometers2
2009-09-22 08:47:4514

One IC Generates Three Sub-2V

One IC Generates Three Sub-2V Power Rails from a Li-Ion Cell:Shrinking geometries in IC technology
2009-09-30 19:53:3111

Linux from scratsh新手教程

Linux from scratsh新手教程.rar Linux From Scratch 版本6.2 Gerard Beekmans Copyright 1999–2006 Gerard Beekmans 謹以本書獻給 LinuxSir.org 以及所有熱愛 Linux 的人們。
2010-03-10 14:07:5535

Migrating from PIC18F to PIC18

the functional differences and the electrical specification differences that are present when migrating from one device to t
2010-05-04 12:06:4124

TMP300,pdf (Resistor-Programma

The TMP300 is a low-power, resistor-programmable,digital output temperature switch. It allows
2010-06-01 08:37:3633

QX7136,PDF Adjustable Constant

and low dropout voltage. The current is adjustable from 10mA to 400mA with an external resistor.  Only one external resistor
2010-06-12 08:54:1046


2010-08-03 14:59:475

Agilent Technologies Troublesh

conditions. Based on motor manufacturers’ analysis, about 44% of motor failure problems are related to heat resulting from overload
2010-08-17 10:54:565

Implementing an Eight-to-One U

Implementing an Eight-to-One USB Switch for KVM Applications Abstract: Many servers
2009-03-31 09:48:43828

Implementing an Eight-to-One U

from one of several computers to a front panel. This application note focuses on the keyboard/mouse portion, and presents a circuit for impl
2009-04-20 11:00:02490

External Resistor Minimizes Di

) and mid-range frequency response of a digital potentiometer in VCO control applications by adding a single external resistor between H and W.
2009-04-28 11:43:111294

補償檢測電阻自暖氣-Compensating for Sen

sense resistor to measure current. In certain applications, heat generated by the flow of current through the sense resistor can introduc
2009-04-30 11:58:55538

高配Aspire one 六芯電池 ——Aspire one

高配Aspire one 六芯電池 ——Aspire one Pro 531h   Acer Aspire one 在上網(wǎng)本中一直處于領(lǐng)先的地位,可想而知Acer在上網(wǎng)本方面下了多大
2009-12-31 08:41:16644

什么是one-stop shopping

什么是one-stop shopping  英文縮寫: one-stop shopping 中文譯名: 一站購齊 分  類: IP與多媒體 解  釋: 1986年
2010-02-23 10:24:20879

Nexus One是否帶來新的希望?

Nexus One是否帶來新的希望? 谷歌Nexus One智能手機在今年初拉斯維加斯舉行的消費電子展覽會(CES)上首次華麗登場。上市銷售的Nexus One貼的是谷歌商標,但在臺灣宏達
2010-03-03 10:25:16841

Resistor network sets gain for

By adding an external resistor network you can lower the gain of a fixed-gain differential
2010-07-18 15:34:441061

Variable resistor and temperat

This application note shows how a variable resistor controlled by an integrated, programmable
2010-07-18 15:35:442368

三星i9300和htc one x哪個好_i9300和htc one x的區(qū)別

三星i9300和htc one x哪個好,i9300和htc one x的區(qū)別是什么?三星i9300相比htc one x哪些好呢?小編在這里為大家總結(jié)了一些三星i9300和htc one x的區(qū)別供大家參考。
2012-09-14 16:29:2728474

HTC One mini——小而優(yōu)的旗艦

 憑借時尚的設(shè)計和出色的用戶體驗,HTC One已成為今年最流行的 Android終端之一。而對于喜歡HTC One但又希望尺寸小一點、價格低一點的用戶來說,最新發(fā)布的HTC One mini智能手機就是完美之選,它采用高通驍龍?400系列處理器,保證高性能的同時,還進行了電池優(yōu)化。
2013-07-25 11:08:58779

HTC ONE X 主板分析圖

ONE 主板電路圖·能讓你更了解你的手機。沒事看看
2015-12-14 14:08:204

HackRF One設(shè)計介紹

HackRF One設(shè)計介紹,支持GNURadio的全開源軟件無線電 10MHz - 6GHz,包括電路原理圖和pcb文件
2015-12-23 11:07:3378


linkit one 開發(fā)指導書,講解linkit one 開發(fā)板的基礎(chǔ)指導書
2016-02-24 10:27:103


2016-04-15 16:55:3012


2017-02-15 23:00:470

Migrating to Swift from Android

Migrating to Swift from Android
2017-03-19 11:24:330

Get Fast Stable Response From Im

Get Fast Stable Response From Improved Unity-Gain Followers
2017-03-24 15:46:210

新Xbox One X與舊Xbox One S有什么區(qū)別?如何選擇這兩款游戲機

Xbox One X和Xbox One S是微軟推出的兩款游戲機,服務不同的群體,哪一個適合你?要做出決定并不像想像的那樣容易。
2017-06-13 14:53:055289


The AD5290 is one of the few high voltage, high performance, and compact digital potentiometers2
2017-10-12 13:46:4918


The AD73761 is one of the few high voltage, high performance digital potentiometers2 on the market.
2017-10-14 15:02:4313


2018-03-15 10:32:552

關(guān)于拆解HTC One S的視頻

最薄手機 HTC One S大拆解
2018-07-06 01:13:002974

貼片電阻標準阻值規(guī)格表,Chip resistor

貼片電阻標準阻值規(guī)格表,Chip resistor 關(guān)鍵字:貼片電阻標準阻值規(guī)格表 貼片電阻標準阻值規(guī)格表 E3
2018-09-20 18:20:324662

常用光敏電阻的規(guī)格參數(shù),Photosensitive resistor

常用光敏電阻的規(guī)格參數(shù),Photosensitive resistor 關(guān)鍵字:光敏電阻,元件選擇 規(guī)格
2018-09-20 18:53:581344


MEET.ONE 團隊在 DAPP 智能合約開發(fā)、錢包開發(fā)、節(jié)點部署等多個方向積累了豐富的行業(yè)與技術(shù)經(jīng)驗。MEET.ONE 側(cè)鏈宗旨在于擴充 EOS 生態(tài),降低 EOS 使用門檻和成本,同時賦能側(cè)鏈 DApp 訪問主網(wǎng)資源。
2019-01-18 11:16:461578

關(guān)于FLIR ONE和FLIR ONE Pro的異同點

首先,技術(shù)參數(shù)不同F(xiàn)LIR ONE Pro擁有更寬的溫度量程能夠測量介于-20°至400°C之間的溫度FLIR ONE Pro支持至多三個點測溫和至多六個溫度感興趣區(qū)域提供更強的隨身圖像分析與報告功能。
2019-08-15 16:09:515941

一加首款概念機Concept One推出,采用邁凱倫經(jīng)典設(shè)計

  在CES 2020消費者電子展上,一加首款概念機Concept One正式發(fā)布。一加Concept One看起來很漂亮,被邁凱輪超級跑車中所使用的木瓜色皮革所包覆。
2020-01-08 13:52:442732

三星Galaxy Note 20正式推送One UI 3

此前,三星Galaxy已有多款機型推送One UI 3正式版更新,包括Galaxy S20、S20+、S20 Ultra等。另外,三星Galaxy S10e、S10、S10+、Note10
2021-01-27 10:47:465369

LTC6993: One Shot

LTC6993: One Shot
2021-02-03 16:42:3310

One Hundred And Eighty Decisions

One Hundred And Eighty Decisions
2021-02-04 10:22:100


2019 年 5 月,理想汽車正式發(fā)布了第一代理想 ONE,引起了廣泛關(guān)注。自 2019 年 12 月開始交付至今,理想 ONE 已累計交付了 5 萬 5 千輛。這個數(shù)據(jù)對于一家新勢力造車品牌來說
2021-05-27 14:42:543637

Gun Camera - World War II Photography from Allied

Gun Camera - World War II Photography from Allied(嵌入式開發(fā)入門書籍)-gun,camera,allied,war,ii,photography,from,world
2021-07-30 09:47:570

From additive manufacturing to 3D4D printing 3 Bre

From additive manufacturing to 3D4D printing 3 Bre(嵌入式開發(fā)師培訓班)-From additive manufacturing to 3D4D
2021-07-30 09:49:586

Biomimetic Medical Materials From Nanotechnology t

Biomimetic Medical Materials From Nanotechnology t(嵌入式開發(fā)需要的資料)-Biomimetic Medical Materials From Nanotechnology to 3D Bioprinting by Insup Noh (z-lib.org)
2021-07-30 09:52:558


2021-08-04 14:53:241


2022-09-07 11:28:000


FPGA芯片實現(xiàn)V-by-One的收發(fā),同時例化V-by-One 及SerDes IP即可實現(xiàn)V-by-One通信。由于SerDes和V-by-One是分開的,所以頻率可在要求范圍內(nèi)靈活調(diào)整, 同時FPGA內(nèi)部還可以進行OSD疊加等處理并控制其他外設(shè),從而充分利用FPGA資源。
2022-11-18 11:02:361462


python指定導入目錄路徑,稱為包導入。 通過import和from導入包模塊。 通過**all**指定導入的模塊和導入的模塊屬性。 ## 1.1 python包import和from
2023-02-21 14:20:34927
