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2010年03月03日 09:07 www.ttokpm.com 作者:佚名 用戶評論(0


Exotic Electric Properties of Graphene Confirmed
ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2009) — First, it was the soccer-ball-shaped molecules dubbed buckyballs. Then it was the cylindrically shaped nanotubes. Now, the hottest new material in physics and nanotechnology is graphene: a remarkably flat molecule made of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal rings much like molecular chicken wire.

Graphene layers are found in graphite flakes like those from pencil lead. (Credit: Kirill Bolotkin)
Not only is this the thinnest material possible, but it also is 10 times stronger than steel and it conducts electricity better than any other known material at room temperature. These and graphene's other exotic properties have attracted the interest of physicists, who want to study them, and nanotechnologists, who want to exploit them to make novel electrical and mechanical devices.

"There are two features that make graphene exceptional," says Kirill Bolotin, who has just joined the Vanderbilt Department of Physics and Astronomy as an assistant professor. "First, its molecular structure is so resistant to defects that researchers have had to hand-make them to study what effects they have. Second, the electrons that carry electrical charge travel much faster and generally behave as if they have far less mass than they do in ordinary metals or superconductors."

Bolotin has been directly involved in the efforts to manufacture and characterize this exotic new material as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Philip Kim at Columbia University. In a paper published last week in the journal Nature, he and his Columbia colleagues report that they have managed to clean up graphene enough so that it exhibits a bizarre electrical phenomenon called the fractional quantum Hall effect, where the electrons act together to create new particles with electrical charges that are a fraction that of individual electrons.

Although graphene is the first truly two-dimensional crystalline material that has been discovered, over the years scientists have put considerable thought into how two-dimensional gases and solids should behave. They have also succeeded in creating a close approximation to a two-dimensional electron gas by bonding two slightly different semiconductors together. Electrons are confined to the interface between the two and their motions are restrained to two dimensions. When such a system is cooled down to less than one degree above absolute zero and a strong magnetic field is applied, then the fractional quantum Hall effect appears.

Since scientists figured out how to make graphene five years ago, they have been trying to get it to exhibit this effect with only marginal success. According to Bolotin, the Columbia group figured out that interference from the surface the graphene was sitting on was the problem. So they applied semiconductor lithography techniques to suspend ultraclean graphene sheets between microscopic posts above the surface of semiconductor chips. When they cooled this configuration down within six degrees of absolute zero and applied a magnetic field, the graphene generated a robust quantum Hall effect as predicted by theory.

The best way to understand this counterintuitive effect is to think of the electrons in graphene as a forming a (very thin) sea of charge. When the magnetic field is applied, it generates whirlpools in the electron fluid. Because electrons carry a negative charge, these vortices have a positive charge. They form with fractional charges such as one-third, one-half and two-thirds that of an electron. These positive charge carriers are attracted to and attach to the conduction electrons, creating quasi-particles with fractional charges.

Understanding the electrical properties of graphene is important because, unlike the other materials used by the electronics industry, it remains stable and conductive down to the molecular scale. As a result, when the current silicon technology reaches it's a fundamental miniaturization limit in coming years, graphene could very well take its place.

Meanwhile, some theoretical physicists are interested in graphene for a totally different reason: It provides a new way to test their theories.

As electrons move through ordinary metals, they interact with the electrical fields produced by the lattice of metal atoms, which push and pull them in a complex fashion. The net result is that the electrons act as if they have a mass different from that of ordinary electrons. So physicists call this an "effective mass" and consider them to be quasiparticles. When traveling through graphene they also act as quasiparticles, but they behave as if they have a mass of zero. It turns out that graphene quasiparticles, unlike those in other materials, obey the rules of quantum electrodynamics, the same relativistic equations that physicists use to describe the behavior of particles in black holes and high-energy particle accelerators. As a result, this new material may allow physicists to conduct tabletop experiments that test their theoretical models of some of the most extreme environments in the universe.

The research was supported by grants from Microsoft Project Q, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and the Department of Energy.

Graphene 的異國電財產(chǎn)確認(rèn)
ScienceDaily- (2009 年十一月 18 日)首先,它是足球-配音 buckyballs 的球形的分子。然后它是圓筒形地成形的奈米管。現(xiàn)在,在物理學(xué)和納米技術(shù)的最熱的新材料是 graphene:一粒顯著平坦的以碳制成的分子原子在多像分子的雞肉電線一樣的六角形的戒指中安排了。

Graphene 層在石墨被發(fā)現(xiàn)像那些樣從鉛筆領(lǐng)引剝落。(信用: Kirill Bolotkin)
不只是這最薄的材料可能的,但是它也比鋼強壯 10 倍,而且它引導(dǎo)在室溫比任何其他的已知材料好的電力。這些而且 graphene 其他異國的特性已經(jīng)吸引想要學(xué)習(xí)他們的物理學(xué)者的興趣和 nanotechnologists ,他[她] 想要開發(fā)他們制造新奇的電、機械的裝置。

" 有兩個讓 graphene 特別的特征 " , Kirill Bolotin 說,他[她] 才和物理學(xué)和天文學(xué)的范德比爾特部門成為一個助理教授?!钡谝唬姆肿咏Y(jié)構(gòu)是如此反抗的對缺點哪一研究員已經(jīng)必須給-使學(xué)習(xí)的他們成為他們有什么效果。其次,攜帶電的費用旅行的電子非??焖俚亩彝ǔEe止好像他們遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地有不如他們在平常的金屬或超導(dǎo)體中做得大眾的?!?/P>

為了在哥倫比亞大學(xué)的菲力浦 Kim 的實驗室制造并且把這異國的新材料視為一個后博士的人 Bolotin 已經(jīng)直接地被牽涉。在一張在自然期刊中被公開上星期的紙中,他和他的哥倫比亞同事報告他們已經(jīng)設(shè)法整理 graphene 充足以便它展現(xiàn)一種奇異的電現(xiàn)象─被認(rèn)為微少分配量是門廳效果,電子行動一起用個別電子是一個分?jǐn)?shù)那的電的費用產(chǎn)生新粒子。

雖然 graphene 是已經(jīng)被發(fā)現(xiàn)的首先真正二維水晶的材料,但是數(shù)年以來,科學(xué)家把相當(dāng)多的想法放入二維的瓦斯和固體應(yīng)該如何舉止。他們一起已經(jīng)也成功地對會接的一種二維電子瓦斯創(chuàng)造一個接近的近似值兩個些微不同的半導(dǎo)體。電子盤據(jù)二個和他們的運動之間的接口是自制的至兩尺寸。當(dāng)如此的一個系統(tǒng)被冷卻降到少于一度在絕對零度上面而且一個強壯的磁場被應(yīng)用,當(dāng)時微少分配量門廳效果出現(xiàn)。

自從科學(xué)家理解該如何五年前制造 graphene ,他們一直嘗試拿用只有邊緣的成功展現(xiàn)這一效果的它。依照 Bolotin ,哥倫比亞小組從 graphene 坐下的表面理解那沖突了在是問題之上。因此他們應(yīng)用了半導(dǎo)體石版印刷術(shù)技術(shù)在半導(dǎo)體薯條的表面上面在顯微鏡的職位之間中止 ultraclean graphene 床單。當(dāng)他們冷卻了在絕對零度的六度里面下降的這一個結(jié)構(gòu),而且應(yīng)用了一個磁場, graphene 產(chǎn)生了強健分配量門廳如理論所預(yù)測的效果。

了解這反直覺的效果最好的方式為在 graphene 中想到電子當(dāng)做一形成費用的海洋(非常瘦的)。當(dāng)磁場被應(yīng)用,它在電子液體中產(chǎn)生漩渦。因為電子傳達(dá)一項否定的費用,這些旋渦有一個陽電荷。他們以微少的費用形成如此的當(dāng)做三分之一,一-一半和三分之二電子的。這些個陽電荷運送者對傳導(dǎo)電子被吸引到而且附上,創(chuàng)造似乎是粒子的與微少的費用。

理解 graphene 的電財產(chǎn)很重要因為,不像被電子學(xué)業(yè)用的其他材料,它對分子的刻度依然穩(wěn)定、傳導(dǎo)性向下。結(jié)果,當(dāng)現(xiàn)在的矽技術(shù)到達(dá)它在未來的數(shù)年中是一個基本的小型化界限, graphene 會非常涌出取代它。

同時,一些理論上的物理學(xué)者因為完全不同的理由對 graphene 感興趣:它提供一個新方法測試他們的理論。

因為電子移動過平常的金屬,他們與被金屬制原子的格子生產(chǎn)的電場互動,推而且在一種復(fù)雜的流行中拉他們。凈結(jié)果是電子行動好像他們平常電子的那讓塊不同的。因此物理學(xué)者認(rèn)為這是 " 有效的塊 " 而且考慮他們是 quasiparticles 。當(dāng)旅行過 graphene 他們也擔(dān)任 quasiparticles ,但是他們舉止好像他們有大量的零。它把 graphene quasiparticles ,不像在其他材料的那些,服從分配量電氣力學(xué)的規(guī)則關(guān)掉,相同的相對主義的相等物理學(xué)者使用在黑色洞描述粒子的行為和高能源粒子加速者。結(jié)果,這新材料可能讓物理學(xué)者引導(dǎo)測試他們的一些宇宙中最極端的環(huán)境的理論上模型的桌上用的實驗。

研究由授與從微軟計畫 Q 所支援了,前進研究計畫代理商和能源部的防衛(wèi)。



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