eval-ad9215 EVAL-AD9215 EVAL-AD9215 本頁提供AD9215的評估板文檔和訂購信息。 AD9215 評估板 | Analog Devices EVAL-AD9215 AD9215 評估板 本頁提供AD9215的評估板文檔和訂購信息。
- Buffer memory board for capturing digital data used with high speed ADC evaluation boards to simplify evaluation
- 32 kB FIFO depth at 133 MSPS (upgradable)
- Measures performance with ADC Analyzer™
Real-time FFT and time domain analysis
Analyze SNR, SINAD, SFDR, and harmonics
- Simple USB port interface (2.0)
- Supporting ADCs with serial port interfaces (SPI)
- On-board regulator circuit, no power supply required 6 V, 2 A switching power supply included
- Compatible with Windows 98 (2nd ed.), Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows XP