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70 內(nèi)容數(shù) 1.9k 瀏覽量 0 粉絲


型號(hào): TEK371A

--- 產(chǎn)品參數(shù) ---

  • 品牌 TEK
  • 電壓 3000V
  • 電流 400A
  • 功率 3000W
  • 保修 12個(gè)月
  • 發(fā)票 普通發(fā)票

--- 產(chǎn)品詳情 ---

Features & Benefits

  • High-Power Measurements of Semiconductor Devices
    • Up to 3,000 Volts
    • Up to 400 Amps
    • Up to 3,000 Watts
  • Waveform Comparison
  • Envelope Display
  • Waveform Averaging
  • Kelvin Sense Measurements
  • Fully Programmable
  • 3.5-Inch MS DOS-Compatible Disk Storage to Quickly Save and Recall Setups


  • Manual or Automated High Resolution DC
  • Parametric Characterization of Semiconductors
  • Incoming Inspection
  • Manufacturing Test
  • Process Monitoring and Quality Control
  • Data Sheet Generation
  • Component Matching
  • Failure Analysis
  • Engineering

371A High Power Programmable Curve Tracer

The 371A, the industry leader in high power curve tracers, is used for testing a wide variety of power semiconductors. It performs DC parametric characterization of thyristors, SCRs and power MOSFETs.

The high voltage collector mode permits testing the Off-characteristics of a device up to 3,000 volts. The pulsed high current collector mode provides output current pulses greater than 400 amps peak for testing On-characteristics. It also permits high power testing up to 3,000 watts.

In the R&D lab, the 371A is used for characterization of new designs of power devices, extraction of SPICE parameters, failure analysis and data sheet generation.

In manufacturing test, the 371A is used to verify device quality and process monitoring.

The 371A is used for incoming inspection to verify power device performance and perform failure analysis.

Interactive Programmable Control

Interactive control of all measurements can be done from the full featured front panel or over the GPIB. Operating parameters can be adjusted and stored and recalled using several storage methods including the 371A nonvolatile memory, the built-in MS DOS-compatible floppy disk or to an external controller.

Automated Cursor Measurements

The 371A provides three cursor measurement modes. The Dot cursor provides direct screen readout of voltage, current, gm or DC beta at any point. The Window cursor can be positioned between two curves to measure small signal beta or gm, and can also be used for visual go/no-go tests. The Function Line cursor provides screen readout of a slope or intercept value.

Sweep Measurement Mode

In the sweep measurement mode, the 371A will automatically construct a family of curves while stimulating the device with low duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.

Test Fixturing

A test fixture is a standard accessory that provides safe device enclosure to ensure operator protection during measurements. The test fixture accommodates standard A1001 through A1005 adapters with Kelvin sensing, 3-Pin adapters without Kelvin sensing and the A1023 and A1024 surface mount adapters.


Modes -

High Current: 250 μs pulses with max. peak of 30 volts

High Voltage: full rectified sine with max. peak of 3000 volts (positive and negative polarities for both modes)





Peak Current

Peak Power

High Current

30 V

400 A

3 kW


30 V

40 A

300 W

High Voltage

3 kV

40 mA ±20%

30 W


3 kV

4 mA ±20%

3 W


300 V

4 mA ±20%

300 mW


300 V

0.4 mA ±20%

30 mW



Collector Current


Maximum Power Setting

Vertical Range (in 1-2-5 increments)

3 kW

1 A/div to 50 A/div

300 W

500 mA/div to 5 A/div

30 W

100 μA/div to 5 mA/div

3 W, 300 mW

10 μA/div to 500 μA/div

30 mW

1 μA/div to 50 μA/div


Accuracy - Within 0.1 vertical division.

Test Fixture - Designed to allow easy connection to a variety of devices. It has a safety enclosure to assure operator protection. Special patch cords are provided for connecting large devices.

Step Generator

Modes -

Current (stair step): DC, 500 μs ±10% of pulse

Voltage (stair step): DC


Step Range -

Current: 1 mA/step to 2 A/step pulsed (high current mode). 1 μA/step to 2 mA/step DC (high voltage mode).

Voltage: 200 mV/step to 5 V/step

Offset: ±10X step amplitude (5X in 5 V/step and 2 V/step settings)


Safety - UL1244, CSA231, HD401 S1


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